New instruments and test kits: The Lovibond General Catalogue 2019

New instruments, new test kits: The new Lovibond® General Catalogue for Water Analysis now has a refreshed design, and not just on the outside. Within the 200 or so product pages, there are many things that are celebrating a real premiere. Online or printed: in English; German; Spanish or French; browsing through the catalogue is worthwhile whichever selection you chose. Dealers and end users are guaranteed to find what they are looking for.


What is completely new is that, for the first time, products for various applications in specific industries are also listed in the General Catalogue. These include: Cooling and Industrial Process Water Test Kits; Hardness Test Kits; Drop Test Titration Kits; Legionella Rapid Test Kits; and Water Safety Kits.


The new spectrophotometers in the XD series are presented in detail with their automatic method selection, bar-coded cell tests and perfect functionality for analytical quality assurance – including new ValidCheck standard solutions. The new BD 600 GLP system is recommended for use in biodegradability tests according to GLP standards to investigate the habitation time of chemicals in the environment. The mobile Incubator, the DI 20, receives its debut and is a true professional when the user has to meet the global test standards for drinking water despite adverse circumstances.


The CSB test tubes now also cover the low middle range: the new measuring range of 15-300 mg/l. This means that the right COD test variant is available for every application. The barcodes simplify the start of the test method. The tube tests are inexpensive and reliable, comply with ISO standards and leave considerably less toxic waste behind. Also new is the primary chlorine standard for validating the chlorine method according to the requirements of US EPA 334.0.


13 product categories, including 9 chapters on photometry alone, 6 on rapid tests and 6 on electrochemistry are included. Pool analytics is represented in the new General Catalogue, as are turbidity, flocculation, BOD measurement, temperature control and microbiology. The comprehensive range of Lovibond®reagents, which have been produced in-house for generations, even includes two separate chapters. And ‘Infoboxes’ with interesting background information on measurement techniques and the new Handbook of Methods and the ability to label all Green Chemistry products with your own logos and much more are covered. Simply go on a Lovibond® journey of discovery. The new Lovibond® General Catalogue can be ordered here in print or downloaded online.